
American Literature Society

an independent professional organization of scholars devoted to the preservation, study, and recognition of American literature and culture

Read our Statement of Support for Black Lives
ALS Black Lives Matter Teaching Resources

Prestigious Awards

The ALS awards The Jay B. Hubbell Medal for Lifetime Achievement and The 1921 Prize in American Literature, given annually for the best article in any field of American literature.

Conference Sessions

The ALS hosts sessions at the annual Modern Language Association and American Literature Association conferences.


The ALS listserv encourages networking and exchange among students, teachers, and researchers of American literature.

“Literature is a clue to the rhythms of a given historical moment.”

-ANN DOUGLAS, WINNER OF 2015 HUBBELL MEDAL for Lifetime achievement

In 2021, the American Literature Society, founded in 1921, celebrated its first century of existence while also looking forward to its future.

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American Literature Society

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